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The Thomas Law Firm, PLC website is a public resource of general information which is intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be complete, accurate and up-to-date. Our website is not intended to solicit clients, advertise our firm’s services, or provide legal advice, and as a result, does not invite or create an attorney-client relationship. Visitors to our website should not take any action, or refrain from taking action, based upon any information on this website. Visitors should always seek the advice of a competent attorney before taking any action, or refraining from taking action, in their immigration case. Thomas & Jefferies, PLLC dba ‘Thomas Law Firm’ expressly disclaims any and all liability with regard to actions taken, or not taken, based upon the content of this website.
This website is not sponsored or associated with any particular linked entity unless expressly stated. The existence of links is intended solely to provide visitors with general information that may be of interest to them. Thomas Law Firm, PLC takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of information contained on linked sites.